Monday, May 23, 2011

Let's face it!

So I've briefly covered the basics on some makeup tips and ideas, which by the way I will get into depth shortly. But lets gets off topic for a second and talk about skin care. Skin care is extremely important when thinking about makeup  because if your skin ain't cutting it your makeup won't either. Whether your young and have teenage skin, in between, or aging we all need something on our skin because plain vaseline, mosturizer or water won't do you justice. Think about it like this, wouldn't you want to age like Halle Berry  or Demi Moore and be complimented for your youth and vibrance. Well its all about prevention and prepping people! You can't just use any cheap product and expect in 20 years to look like a million bucks, unless of course your one of those rare kinds that got the lucky draw with great genetics. To some it may seem like nonsense because we live in a world were the future seems so far away and the now is more important but jump on the bandwagon and take care of your skin now because you'll be paying a pretty penny when your visiting your dermatologist for botox injections. 

Moving along! So what is it that is essential to great skin and aging prevention?

1) A Great Cleanser! You need a cleanser that is good enough for you skin type and that will eliminate all the dirt/environmental pollution. If you have Normal/Dry skin always opt to a cleanser with hydration, lack of hydration is one of the main causes of wrinkles. Oily/Combination skin should cleanse with a oil or sebum eliminating cleanser, glyocic acid cleansers are great for this type of skin. I rotate between tow Mary Kay cleansers, the 3 in 1 cleanser for Combination skin and the classic skin care cleanser, Deep cleanser 3. Buy Great cleansers!

2) Great Mosturizer! You need a mosturizer again that's customized to your skin type. Going to Duane Reade and buying ponds or olay mosturizers is good for the moment because it fast and takes little thought but we are beyond that right!? We are the best! the Halle Berry's of the future, so why not pay a little more for  one the best accessories a woman has,  her face. I use Mary Kay's oil control lotion 3, its sooo good at controlling oil! Check out these amazing mosturizers!

3) SPF protection/Anti-oxidants! Sad to say and think of, but we are surrounded by pollution and the sun rays are getting worse. I remember as a kid going to the beach and maybe putting a little sun lotion and coming home black, not burnt. Nowadays I put spf 30 and I come home black. Also, take from bad experience, going to Miami and using Spf 4, thinking I was cute and going to come back golden then enduring 2 weeks of disgusting peeling and redness. The horror! Avoid it and use Spf please, burnt or leathery skin will not make you feel better. If interested in purchasing SPF before summer!

Other options to maintain perfect skin that are added bonuses are Toners/refreshers, weekly Masks and Microdermabrasion. 

Toners/refreshers are usually a step before mosturizing, great at eliminating what your cleanser didn't catch and for balancing your skins PH level. Witch Hazel is a great toner if you want a cheaper solution. Other options for Oily/combination skin would be a salycic acid toner, good for blackheads and a natural inflammatory for blemishes. Toners/Masks

Masks are great for a weekly deep cleanse. Get a clay based mask for Oily/combination skin and a hydrated mask for Normal/Dry skin.

Lastly, Microdermabrasion is skin renewal at your fingertips. Kind of like playing god with your skin cells. When you use the product it takes off a layer of your skin, exposing new vibrance underneath. Microdermabrasion kit!

One thing to always remember Ladies! Its not about Money its about quality! Invest wisely.

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